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Relations & Society


Listening to the world

Why contemporary society must rethink language and intelligence across species

by Marina Silvello

Relations & Society


The world’s greatest athlete

United States, early 1900s: a non-citizen Native American becomes an exemplary figure of extraordinary physical and mental balance. His name is Jim Thorpe

by Nicola Feninno

Relations & Society


Is the English language hindering collective intelligence?

The prevalence of a dominant language on the internet may be a catalyst for information exchange or, conversely, a barrier to the web’s potential

by Valentina Lunardi

Humanities Studies


A brief history of desire, an essay

Exploring the evolution of human desires: survival, imagination, and contemporary dilemmas

by Giulia Pozzobon

Relations & Society


The paradox of convenience

The age of convenience undoubtedly affected our ability to desire, but there is a contemporary countertendency in the rebirth of “inconvenient” items and movements seeking authentic experiences. Here’s a closer look at two specific industries whose paths appear to be heading in this route

by Simone Cesano

Humanities Studies


Preparing for the overtake

Nearing the age of the singularity, what do we know about human intelligence?

by Giulia Pozzobon

Relations & Society

Designing for tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow

On cathedral thinking

by Veronica Pelazzini

Relations & Society

Digital Lingos

A dive into social network languages and subcultures

by Luca Desogus

Humanities Studies

Waiting on the world to change: for an affective futurability of places

In a time marked by uncertainty and a lost sense of future, the search for re-enchantment offers hope and transformative potential

by Alessandra Faccini

Relations & Society



A discussion of identity, freedom, and the struggle for recognition beyond binary genders in the face of societal norms and psychoanalysis

by Andrea Dusio

Relations & Society



The places we are born and raised in can greatly influence our identity. But sometimes we must take it upon ourselves to keep alive the identity of the places we have to leave behind.

by Alessandro Zaccuri

Relations & Society

Turning Points

A brief history of turning points

What makes an event a turning point? Analyses, thoughts and examples from the ancient discovery of fire to the current pandemic.

by Ornella Sinigaglia

Relations & Society


Become what you are

Shaking off centuries worth of rotten bias is a long and difficult process. Acknowledging the problem is the first crucial step

by Laura Silvia Battaglia

Relations & Society

Turning Points

Free to migrate

Migration has had and still has a great impact on human history: it shapes countries, economies, cultures and — now more than ever — the climate.

by Christian Elia

Relations & Society


The evaporated

When reality is too hard to grapple with, the only comfort lies off the grid

by Tino Mantarro

Relations & Society


A brief history of gender identity

A historical and cultural exploration of the concept of gender and its impact on modern society

by Ornella Sinigaglia

Relations & Society


Caroline Sinders: the power of art and the need for change

The fight for human rights has been battering the nations’ parliaments for decades and one of the forms this fight can take is creativity

by Eleonora Raspi

Relations & Society

Turning Points

The school that doesn’t exist

Where do we cultivate the independent thinking we need as adults to deal with the world? Professor Roberto Guardigli examines the theme.

by Roberto Guardigli


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