Entrepreneurship & Leadership
DoubtAuthentic leadership is change you can cultivate
Leaders should lead, not issue orders; they are a lighthouse to the other colleagues' boats, not shadowy figures sitting atop an organizational chart
by Francesca Bellettini

DoubtStarting over isn’t easy
Amid the pandemic aftermath, many unemployed professionals (ages 40-55) face limited job prospects. Starting a new business may seem appealing, but consider the challenges, personal readiness, and uniqueness of your idea. Success stories are rare, so weigh your options wisely.
by Howard Tullman

DoubtStrategic decision-making in times of confusion
When owners and managers are in a hurry they tend to grab the nearest solution. Bad idea. Always try to look further, wider and deeper.
by Howard Tullman

Nazism and management
Perform at any cost the mission you have been given.
by Francesca Sironi

Dissolving gender barriers in tech
Womenpreneur Initiative, an organization with a community of 10,000 across 20 countries, aims to help women advance in technology and innovation.
by Lucia Conti

Pivot power
Embracing a corporate culture of error, failure, and taking risks, can really pay off sometimes.
by Tomas Barazza

Social innovation and sustainable development
Engineer, Mona Itani, believes that we can use innovation to fix the social problems that we are facing.
by Lucia Conti

Breaking the glass ceiling
Some say that encouraging diversity among entrepreneurs in decision-making positions is more than a positive business case.
by Lucia Conti

UtopiaHow to become an altruistic leader
When it comes to leadership, a utopian approach is not the right path to follow. What is, then?
by Isaac Getz

No more leaps of faith into the infinite
Irwin Kula is a rabbi, author, and president of the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership, he reflects on faith.
by Rabbi Irwin Kula